Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia (1939)

General Details

Title: Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia
Volumes: 15
Language: English
Publisher: F. E. Compton & Company
Year: 1939
Pages: 5,340

The Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia and Fact-Index claims on each title page to "inspire ambition, to stimulate the imagination, to provide the inquiring mind with accurate information told in an interesting style, and thus lead into broad fields of knowledge — such is the purpose of this work". It was first published in 1922; I have the 1939 edition. It lives up to its "pictured" description, being filled with photographs, graphs, and maps. There are some color plates, as well as a few pages of tinted illustrations and photographs, but most of the work is monochrome. At the beginning of each volume is a "Here and There in This Volume" section providing a table of contents to some of the longer articles (and occasional story) for the person looking for "something interesting to read." There is also a list of "Interest-Questions Answered in This Volume" following the table of contents. For example, in volume 9 ("M"), one of the questions is "What poet ruined his eyesight writing political pamphlets? 178". Turning to the given page, we discover that the answer is John Milton: "Physicians warned him that he must stop work or lose his sight. His reply was that, as he had already sacrificed his poetry, so he was now ready to sacrifice his eyes on the altar of English liberty. Complete blindness came in 1652. Worse even than blindness was the shattering of all his ideals and hopes with the downfall of the Commonwealth" (178).

The 1939 edition of Compton's is special for being one of the first publications to feature "pictographs" (isotypes, invented by Otto Neurath). It's strange now to think of charts and graphs using images to represent data as being a novel invention, but at the time it was. Compton released special advertising material to promote the "greatest step in visual education since [the] invention of photography" - I've reproduced the full text of the pamphlet (image to the right) here:

specially prepared for Compton articles by the INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR VISUAL EDUCATION under the direction of Dr. Otto Neurath of The Hague, world-famous social scientist and educator

Here, at last, is a scientific "picture language" that visualizes the essential ideas of the modern social studies!

The Compton pictographs — created by Dr. Neurath and his great organization at The Hague — are the result of 20 years of study and experiment with "eye learning."

They have an almost magic influence. They bring abstract principles to life. They give young students a clear grasp of social relationships, often difficult to explain by older methods.

They stimulate attention, interest, imagination, and understanding. They leave with the student a permanent "visual memory" of what he has learned. They train him to new and clearer ways of thinking for himself.

Experts on the needs of American students worked with Dr. Neurath in preparing each of the 43 pictographs. The six shown here give only a suggestion of the wealth of material covered.


Another unique feature of this encyclopedia is that the index is split among all of the volumes; each volume has a tabbed index in the back for the letters in that volume. "The Easy Reference Fact-Index" is like a mini-encyclopedia itself, providing short definitions for a number of topics that don't have main entries of their own, as well as linking to pertinent entries when available. There are also a number of special lists and tables scattered throughout the indices. This arrangement is particular to Compton's; at the bottom of the title page for each index is listed The plan, arrangement, and contents of this index are original with F. E. Compton & Company and are fully protected by United States, Imperial, and International copyright, and registered trade mark no. 336,781".

Similar to a number of reference works, Compton's wants readers to be sure to consult the index first when looking up particular topics for research - an "Editor's Note" prefaces the index in each volume: "Every user of Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia should form the habit of first turning to the Fact-Index section at the end of each volume when in search of specific information. This index is a miniature work of reference in itself and will often give you directly the facts, dates, or definitions you seek. Even when you want a full treatment of a subject, you will usually save time by getting the exact page numbers of your material from the index". Some of the longer entries in the encyclopedia proper have a mini Index ("Reference-Outline for Organized Study of" X) directing the reader to various related topics arranged in a hierarchical structure.

Sample Entries

I attempt to look up "umbrella" and "Saint Louis" in each reference work featured on this site in order to allow fair comparison between each of them. If we follow editorial instructions, we should start in the appropriate index for each. "Umbrella" exists in the Fact-Index in volume 14 on pages 369-370, but does not have an entry proper:

Umbrella, a folding, portable protector from sun or rain made of silk, cotton, paper, etc.; in ancient times used by royalty in Eastern countries; became popular in England in the 18th century.

The index entry for "Saint Louis" is found on page 368 in volume 13.

St. Louis, Mo., largest city of state and chief market for central Mississippi Valley; near junction of Mississippi and Missouri rivers; pop. 821,960: S-9-10, maps M-208, U-188-9, picture M-206
art museum S-10 See also in Index Museums, table
early river trade M-206
Federal Reserve Bank (8th), map F-22
fur trade S-9: auctions S-70; beginnings of F-226
German element I-22
great fire F-58
Louisiana Purchase Exposition S-9-10
Mound City M-291
natural gas supplied G-24
zoölogical park, picture Z-225

The main entry for "Saint Louis" is found in volume 13 on pages 9 and 10:

Saint Louis, Mo. Situated a few miles below the junction of the Mississippi with the mighty Missouri, St. Louis spreads over 20 miles of the curving west bank of the Mississippi and extends back nearly ten miles from its once busy levee on the river front. St. Louis is a great city, a very great city, in wealth, industry, and resources. The chief receiving point for the vast and rich territory to the southwest, and the chief market for the central area of the rich Mississippi valley, it has long held its position as one of the leading cities of the United States. It is today a metropolitan center with a population of 821,960. The tributary district of East St. Louis, just across the river in Illinois, and the suburbs which its old charter prevents it from annexing, add about 450,000 more.

Its commanding position and splendid transportation facilities make it the center of industries as varies as they are important. As a distributing center it claims to be the country's largest market for shoes, hardware, stoves and furnaces, horses and mules, carpets, drugs, hides, harness, and various other products. When the Great War closed the fur markets of England and Germany, St. Louis, which had been an important fur center, sprang into place as the largest raw fur market in the world, receiving furs from every state in the Union, from every province in Canada, and from Alaska.

Shoes for a Nation

St. Louis has also greatly diversified manufactures. Its annual output of shoes is sufficient to provide every fourth person in the United States with a pair. It is one of the greatest lumber markets of the world, and there are immense woodenware and furniture factories. The decreasing production of ore in Missouri caused a decline of the once important pig-iron industry, but St. Louis developed her manufactures of finished iron and steel goods, and now turns out quantities of structural iron, castings, machine-shop and foundry products, boilers, stoves, wire goods, cutlery, tools, and agricultural implements. Missouri is a great producer of lead and zinc, so the manufactures of lead and zinc products, plumbers' and steamfitters' supplies, paint and white lead have become distinctive St. Louis industries. Other important products are railroad cars, street cars, automobiles, electrical supplies, enameled ware, drugs, paints, soap, clothing, meats, flour, and other food products.

The river and the railroads in turn have given St. Louis her commercial importance. When the Mississippi River was the great highway of traffic, St. Louis had its first great period of growth. With the cessation of the river traffic, St. Louis marked time for awhile, then caught the swifter cadence of the railroad. With the revival of river transportation in the last few years, the city has resumed its position as a great port. Fleets of steel barges carry its manufactures to New Orleans for shipment to the Southwest, the Pacific Coast, and foreign countries; and they bring back cargoes of coffee, sugar, sisal, canned goods, and other heavy freight. Modern municipal and government docks have been built.

Several great bridges span the mighty Mississippi and connect the city with Illinois. The newest of these, the Municipal Free Bridge, is the largest double-decked bridge in existence. Eads Bridge, completed in 1874, was the first bridge to span the lordly Mississippi; it carries both wagon ways and railroad tracks, and is 55 feet above high water so as not to interfere with river traffic. Built entirely of steel above its piers, its long spans arching high over the swiftly flowing water, it gives an appearance at once of graceful beauty and invincible strength. There are also passenger and freight ferries.

The St. Louis of History

St. Louis originally consisted of three streets back from the river. This old section later became the business district, and now for the most part is given over to commission merchants and great silent warehouses. Here and there a façade of rare distinction or a glimpse through cobwebbed windows of a wonderful stair, and the very sturdy and substantial old cathedral of gray granite, with its exotic French inscriptions, speak of this section's former glory. The old court house is near by, interesting as a dignified structure, and as the scene of the whipping post and of the slave sales held in former days on its steps. The old French market and the municipal markets are also places of interest.

St. Louis has a solid limestone foundation. It is built on a succession of slight ridges and depressions to the west, each ridge a little higher than the last, rising to meet the plateau of the Ozarks. The first ridge is at Broadway, the fifth street back from the river. Railway tunnels running under the retail district take the traffic that crosses the river bridges to the Union Station.

The streets of downtown St. Louis are narrow, a legacy of other years. Wide highways, however, span the city from east to west, sometimes curving from the river to the river, and these great arteries of traffic make the entire city more accessible.

The Beautiful Park System

Parks are scattered in all sections of the city. Forest Park, the largest of these, is located just beyond the beautiful residence districts of the new St. Louis, and is a rolling strip of virgin forest. This park was the site of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition of 1904. The building now occupied by the St. Louis Art Museum was the central hall of a group of buildings devoted to art at that time. Another building saved from the Exposition is the superb red granite entrance hall of Washington University, one of a group of the most appropriate collegiate buildings in the New World. In the southwestern part of the city is the Missouri Botanical Garden, popularly known from the donor as Shaw's Garden; this contains one of the fine botanical collections of the world.

The Quarries and the Builders

Nearly all St. Louis houses are constructed of brick and stone, and even today it is not necessary to go beyond the city limits for most of the building materials. The local quarries are still worked and brick is manufactured in enormous quantities, as well as lime, cement, sewer pipe, and terra cotta.

Jefferson Barracks at the southern end of St. Louis is one of the largest military reservations in the United States, and one of the four principal recruiting posts. St. Louis has several libraries, two large universities — St. Louis University (Catholic) and Washington University — a number of colleges, medical schools, and numerous convents and seminaries. The yearly Veiled Prophet's Pageant is modeled on the Mardi Gras of New Orleans.

The history of St. Louis begins with its founding, in 1764, as a fur trading post in the northern part of the Louisiana country. The city became part of the United States as a portion of the Louisiana Purchase. For 100 years, from 1764 to 1864, the business district of St. Louis remained where it was located on Pierre Laclede's map. With the coming of the railroads, the business district slipped back from the river.

Since 1923 St. Louis has been engaged in a ninety-million-dollar municipal improvement project. This embraces making new streets and widening others, increasing the water supply, improving sanitation, street lighting, eliminating grade crossings, new parks and playgrounds, hospitals, and municipal markets. The municipal center plan calls for the creation of a noble plaza in the heart of the city surrounded by various public buildings.